Lineage 1 Bot Program For Conquer

Lineage 1 Bot Program For Conquer 7,3/10 3643 votes

L2Bot 4.0 version1. INTRODUCTION-L2Bot is toolkit of AutoIt scripts to implement Lineage 2 bot.2. INSTALLATION-You need to download AutoIt interpreter from official website for launching L2Bot:The x64 interpreter version must be selected in installation dialog for users with x64 Windows version.Then download archive with L2Bot scripts and extract it:3. CONFIGURATION-NB: You must set the `chat with Enter` checkbox in your Lineage client application for the correct bot's working.Configuration of the L2Bot consist of the three stages:1.

Configuration of the bot according to your Lineage client's interface.2. Configuration of the mob's names to attack them by bot.3.

Configuration of the hotbar keys according your character's class.All these stages will be described below.3.1 INTERFACE CONFIGURATION-You can use the `configuratoren.au3` script from the `run` directory to configure farm bot according your Lineage client's interface. All interface's parameters will be saved in `interface.au3` file from the `conf` directory.There are steps to perform the interface configuration:1. Run your Lineage client in the window mode.

You can press Alt+Enter for switching to the window mode.2. Resize the Lineage client window to full screen with mouse.3. Get into the game with your character.4. Run `configuratoren.au3` script from the `run` directory.5.

Lineage 1 Bot Program For Conquer

Switch to the Lineage client window.6. Press Alt+F2 to start configuration script.7.

Select the point in the Lineage window according the information in popup tip. You can select point at the current cursor's position by pressing Alt+F3.8. The popup tips will be disappeared after you has selected the last point. Configuration is complete.This is illustration of all configuration points in the `interfaceconf.jpg` file from the `images` directory.You can use the `configuratorfishingen.au3` script from the `run` directory to configure fishing bot. This script works like the described above `configuratoren.au3` one.

This is illustration of all configuration points for fishing bot in the `fishingconf.jpg` file from the `images` directory.3.2 MOB'S NAMES CONFIGURATION-There are steps to perform the mob's names configuration:1. Open the `targets.au3` fle from the `conf` directory with any text editor.2. Write mob's names into `$kTargetNames` list.3. Change value of the `$kTargetCount` variable according count of elements in the `$kTargetNames` list.NB: You can specify one or two letters of the mob's names for the Gracia Final and above Lineage chronicles.

This is example:global const $kTargetNames = 'G,Wo'You must specify full mob's names for Lineage chronicles below the Gracia Final one:global const $kTargetNames = 'Gremlin,Wolf'3.3 HOTBAR KEYS CONFIGURATION-The L2Bot scripts implement the farm bots for several character's classes. All these scripts are placed to the `run` directory. Script's name is the same as relevant class's name.The hotbar configuration is depended on the running script. You can use hotbar illustrations from the `images` directory. Name of the illustration file contains the character's class name and the `hotbar` word. For example, `bladedancerhotbar.jpg` file is the illustration for `bladedancer.au3` script.The `fishinghotbar.jpg` file from the `images` directory is a hotbar illustration for the fishing bot.4. LAUNCHING-NB: Bots of L2Bot project is not executable `exe` files!

All bots are implemented as AutoIt scripts with `au3` extention and them are placed to the `run` directory. You can run these scripts like the `exe` files.There are steps to run L2Bot:1. Run your Lineage client in the window mode. You can press Alt+Enter for switching to the window mode.2. Resize the Lineage client window to full screen with mouse.3. Get into the game with your character.4. Run one of the farm-bot script from the `run` directory.5.

Switch to the Lineage client window.6. Press Alt+F2 to start bot.7. You can stop bot by Alt+F1 pressing.NB: The Lineage client window must have the same size and position as you have configured (see the 3.1 section).5. FISHING BOT-Fishing bot is implemented in the runnable `fishing.au3` script file from `run` directory.Configuration of the fishing bot consist of the two stages:1.

Configuration of the bot according to your Lineage client's interface (see the 3.1 section).2. Configuration of the hotbar keys (see the 3.3 section).NB: You must set the attack skill to F1 key for the nuker classes instead the `Attack` actionYou must perform these actions before run the fishing bot:1. Place your character near the water where you can use `Fishing` skill. Character and camera must be faced to the water i.e.

The character will move to the water if you will press the `Up` arrow keyboard button.2. Wear the fishrod and bait on your character.You can run and stop fishing bot with the same buttons as the others bots.6. CHAT BOT-Chat bot is implemented in the runnable `chat.au3` script file from the `run` directory.You can open the `chat.au3` file from the `run` directory and specify variables described below to configure bot:kMessageTextRus - this is message text to print in Russian language.kMessageTextEn - this is message text to print in English language.kDelayMinutes - this is delay betweeen the message outputs in minutes.You can run and stop chat bot with the same buttons as the others bots.7. CUSTOM SCRIPT-The custom script mechanism allow you to extend the functionality of existing farm bots.

Also you can create custom script that will be launched separately from the other L2Bot scripts.There are steps to perform the custom script generation:1. Run `scriptgenerator.au3` file from the `run` directory.2. Press Alt+F2 to start generator script.3. Perform the keys pressing and mouse clicks that will be saved.4. Press Alt+F1 to complete the generator scriptNB: The generator script is able to save letters, numbers, F1-F12 buttons and left button mouse clicks. The buttons Alt, Ctrl, Shift and Win will not be saved.The generated custom script has been saved in the `script.au3` file in the `run` directory.There are steps to launch custom script:1. Run `scriptrun.au3` file from the `run` directory.2.

Press Alt+F2 to start custom script.3. You can interrupt the custom script's work by Alt+F1 pressingNB: You can launch custom script in the loop. Change the `kIsLoop` variable to `true` in the `scriptrun.au3` file:global const $kIsLoop = trueAll farm bots will launch custom script by timeout. You can change timeout value with the `kTimeouts` variable in the running farm bot script.8. REPEATER SCRIPT-Two kind of repeater script are available:1) Repeater script for farm bot that will control several Lineage windows.This kind of repeater script have been moved to separate project:2) Repeater script for manually controlling several Lineage windows.There are steps to run repeater script:1.

Launch file `repeater.au3` in `run` directory.2. Open all Lineage windows that will be controlled by script.3. Switch to any Lineage client window.4. Press Alt+F2 to start script.5. You can stop script by Alt+F1 pressing.9. ROULETTE BOT-Roullete bot allow you to automate roulette play at the servers x3 and x7.There are steps to perform the bot's configuration:1.

Run `configuratorroulette.au3` script from the `run` directory.2. Switch to the Lineage client window.3. Press Alt+F2 to start configuration script.4. Select the point in the Lineage window according the information in popup tip.

You can select point at the current cursor's position by pressing Alt+F3.5. The popup tips will be disappeared after you has selected the last point. Configuration is complete.You can open the `roulette.au3` file from the `run` directory and specify variables described below for additional bot's configuration:kStartRate - start rate.kMaxRate - maximum allowable rate.There are steps to launch rullete bot:1. Run `roulette.au3` file from the `run` directory.2. Switch to the Lineage client window.3.

Press Alt+F2 to start bot.4. You can interrupt the script's work by Alt+F1 pressing10. CONTACTS-You can ask any questions about usage L2Bot, report about bugs, send your suggestions and patches in the L2Bot project's groups and the developer's email.Developer:Ilya Shpigor Project's group in vk:Project's group in facebook.

BOT HUNTING PROGRAM FOR LINEAGE 1What the fuck is NC doing? I have reported so many bots in game and NC still allow these people to bot without banning them at all. Imagine this, people who are level 65+ hunting in Ant Cave? What the fuck this? Does that mean that they are so fucking weak that they need to hunt in Ant Cave because other places are too tough for them? OR the experience for hunting ANTs are too fucking good?

FUCK all these bastards and FUCK YOU NC, u are wasting my time for reporting all these people to you and you did nothing at all to stop them.Since I got nothing to do, I begin to search the web for Bot Hunting program, as it’s the trend in Lineage One these days to bot. Why do you need to level so hard by spending your time and effort in the game if a bot program can do it right? And holy shit, I did manage to find one such program. Description below:“This is a bot-hunting program specifically created for NcSoft LineageOne. I have put in lots of time and efforts in creating this bot-hunting program and have made it perfect in a certain way. This program will run in the background of the game and is not restricted to any one server. Please note that I’ll not take any responsibility and issue relating to the usage of this program.

Used it at your own risk.”Current hunting area: Ant Caves, Oren dwarf, Talking Island CaveIt’s so easy to find one such program on the web. Maybe I should post the link on my blog so that all lineage players can download the program and level to DK in a month time? It will be fun ya and since NC does allow botting in Lineage, who cares right? 70 Comments:At,Anonymous said.If you hunted 24 hours a day for 31 days on dwarves or ants or skeletons or what ever. Even if you hunted pure bosses that spawned as much as dwarves. There is no way you can get DK in 1 month.

Add my blog to urs too!! Thank You!!,said.Hiya Amph, thx for the info. I never bot before(think i never will do so, so i may never know if u dun tell me) so dun really know how much exp u get per hour/day/month.

Good info for the readers here. Thanks again Amph. My post was based on a lvl 50 char (which is my fault i never state earlier.

Sorry people). I welcome more comments and info. Like i see the antcave bots (DK moph) move alot faster and swing alot faster.

Did my eyes play trick on me or is it true that it come with speed hack too? Like with full speed buff(same moph), i move slower then the bots. The dk mage swing as fast as a dk brave knight. Enlighten us please.At,Linsaid (Dep elf) said.' If you hunted 24 hours a day for 31 days on dwarves or ants or skeletons or what ever. Even if you hunted pure bosses that spawned as much as dwarves.

There is no way you can get DK in 1 month. Well said Amph. We all can put our trust in Amph since i've seen him 'boting' in antcave almost everyday. Thanks for the clarification.At,Anonymous said.Post the link please!!At,Anonymous said.Yes. Please post this article or advertisment for this bot. Im interested to read it.

Read your post a couple days down. You clearly expressed your knowlage of botting experience progress your self. Wrong url for my blog not Thank you! I added u tooAt,said.' Read your post a couple days down. You clearly expressed your knowlage of botting experience progress your self. Why call me names and get so aggitated?

Guilty conscious? I know wat i post. Maybe u should read again. I said 'with a little assumption, these fucking bots gets around 1% for every 2.5hour.

The magic word you might have missed out is assumption dun worry i wun call u names ^^At,Anonymous said.assumption 1. The act of taking to or upon oneself: assumption of an obligation. The act of taking possession or asserting a claim: assumption of command. The act of taking for granted: assumption of a false theory.


Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; a supposition: a valid assumption. Presumption; arrogance. You said you dont know, yet you make assumptions. That makes you ignorant. You feed your visitors bullshit just like when you duel people in town. Im still waiting for that link to the bot kid. Everyone knows your full of shit.

AmphAt,said.Alot of assumptions are made in our daily life before one make a conclusion. In this case, after i assume, i get to know u cant level from 0-52 in a month (although my intent was talking about from 50-52. And i truely believe you, cause I know u are an expert in botting this topic.

Oh many people will believe u too. About providing the link, search yourself. Its so easy to find. Took me no longer then 15mins.

Do you think i want to see more bots in game? By the way do you still need more bots link? Dun be too greedy. (^^,) By the way amph, this your so call kid here is afriad that his monthly pay cheque will put you to shame.At,DucXXXXX said.Well, Amph is out of job, his girlfriend left him for another guy and he's broke. Sands, u better forgive this boy, he's just a young kid.At,said.ducxxxx, be nice to him please.

Dun add salt to his wound. Its gonna hurt. And its just a game, dun bring in his r/l although what one person does in game reflect alot of him in r/l. Like example if one can cheat to get somewhere in game, that reflect alot of that person's r/l char.

(Amph i am not talking bout u. I just saying example.) And i am doubting if the anonymous that posted as Amph is really him now. Cos he say 'You feed your visitors bullshit just like when you duel people in town.' This is something amph like to do. Example waiting at doorway for duel and posting on his blog saying he got hacked and got delvled (isnt this bullshit?). So i am doubting if the person that post is really him.

Cos if it is, he is slapping himself. Jen and i seperated aswell. Everyone is calling me a fucking moron.' Amph You are not a moron Amph.I think its more to be a relief of burden to the pretty little girl. 'But after being with Jen i have learned not to date one unless you have the time and money to dedicate to them.' Amph You need time and money for Lineage and Gf right?How you wish you can bot in R/L also right?Haha.I understand your thoughts,you often get carried away when you bot too much,hoping bot helps you the same everywhere. Www.montuary.blogspot.comAt,ducxxxxx said.Amph is just full of bullshit.At,Anonymous said.bots dont effect you guys in anyway.

If you feel that you are better than the people that bot than why even bother to make a scene? No they do not have speed hack so i guess 'your eyes play trick on you' you can believe whatever u want i speak the truth always and thank you for keeping it in game sands or lost =) XenoAt,Hate said.Ban those bots user, they SUCKS!At,said.Xeno, respect u as a well manner gentleman with your choice of words. Although I dislike bot users but u are different as u dare to admit ur doings.At,Anonymous said.I requested the bot link so i can compare its discription to the one on your site. Because i believe your post on BOTS is infact fabricated and FAKE.

Yes this is the real amp. I duel anyone/anywhere. I cancel my self and rebuff INFRONT of my oponent.

Yahoo Bot Program

I dueled you Sands. You refuse to fight me with out disapearing for 5minutes and coming back. I watched you today dueling MIT, and you did the same thing. Sadly you lost anyway. Thats the bullshit im talking about. As for Jen, My ex; We are still best friends and regardless of our relationship, its none of your bussiness. The fact that you even mention my real life problems further supports my reasons for fighting sol anyway i can.

Maybe when lineage players come after YOU Sands, in real life, will you realise how fucking stupid other lineage players can be. Support your pledge. AmphAt,said.Hey Amph, if you can't find that link on the web, that doesn't mean others can't find it. A word of advice, use different search engine, and you will hit jackpot in no time. ^^ Yeap, I remember dueling you in front of everybody. You cancel me, I up myself and I beat you with almost half HP left for everyone to see. U even whisper me asking what 'MR combo' am I using, remember?

I also challenge you to a PvP duel and have you running your ass off in case you have forgotten? U win and u loose. You have beaten me before, and like wise for me beating you in duel.

SOL helps me when I need help most, rest assure I'll fight for SOL till the end. ^^ Peace =)At,said.And Amph, request that you read all my post above.

Did i ever mentioned about you and Jen?At,Anonymous, i was talking to that other person. And the only duel you won was the duel you asked me to only use earth jail because you stacked your elemental mr, but when i secretly switched to cones you died. Then the third duel i used cones and earth jail and you died. The fact of the matter is, i didnt use heals pots immunes or even vampire touches. Pat your self on the back. Duel any time you want. The fact that you even mention my real life problems further supports my reasons for fighting sol anyway i can.'

Ran Online Bot Program

Did I say im from SOL?You seems very sensitive in this issue.Just leave this issue alone if you realise Sands is not talking about you.Why bother to rebuke if you dont bot?I call this Ignorance Confession.At,said.' BBKnights = Buy Back Knight' Amph I like that acronym you came out with.Considering the fact that your pledge members love to hunt together in 'Ants Cave!' ,I thought of an acronym for you too. 'Amph = All Machines Party Hunt' Nice? Give me some thoughts about it.At,Anonymous said.Not as funny as Amphs since the bots do not party.and bbk does buy back for some of the sol members.tho i think it is unfair that he doesnt buy back for all XenoAt,Anonymous said.also for the people that are not very brigh.

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