Best Pua Routines Pdf Creator

Best Pua Routines Pdf Creator 8,2/10 3674 votes

It's become evident over the past few months that magic is becoming quite overdone in this circle. It's becoming overused to the point where magic begins to appear possibly standard. What many people in the community don't see is that the use of magic is a device to raise social value only. It alone isn't the magic leg opener, and it is prone to failure if your movements aren't deft enough. I have an alternative that some of you may use already, but very few gain any expertise in. What I've noticed over the past few years is that there's NOTHING that will give you more instant positive attention than having a spectacular sense of humor. It raises social value, exhibits intelligence and exudes so much charisma that you appear addicting to be around.

Being funny makes others around you feel happy. This tutorial will attempt to help you develop a sense of humor. As I always state, I don't consider myself a PUA, but my middle game is SICK and my charisma is addicting.Rule 1- Master the main joke and supplementary joke-.A supplementary joke is a joke that quickly follows something with broad comic interest- to keep laughter going. With humor, if you can get someone laughing with something very funny, you can immediately follow it up with something less funny and it'll often keep the ball rolling. After the group laughs once, they notice that you are an.interesting.

person and will laugh at every attempt you make to be funny because they see it as socially acceptable. Note how professional comedians throw out their worse lines near the end of the show, and the audience will laugh because the ball is already rolling.

Best Pua Routines Pdf Creator

Your best material should come FIRST. Don't save it until the end. I'm far from a professional comedian, so I can only assume that these terms are mine alone.Remember this- In ancient Greece, royalty drank the best wines first and drank worse and worse as the night went on, because their pallets become more and more null as the night went on.Rule 2- Utilize the simile.You learned it in school, so use it!Don't make it too obscure, though, and don't offend the audience. The conversation last nightturned towards sororities, and someone turned to me and said, 'Mike, you went to a KKG formal, right?' To which I replied, 'Yeah, itwas like the national convention of the Hungry Hungry Hippos'. This was my main joke, and it was acceptable because there were nooverweight individuals in the immediate area and I could tell that it would more shock than offend the group. Shock good, offend bad.Remember that.Remember this- the metaphor is also clutch, but it's harder for the audience to catch.

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Saying 'Ok, easy there, Liberace', to another AMOG who's peacocking may or may not hook a group, depending on your tone and the atmosphere. You can also combo metaphors and similes, but it takes skill.

Attraction Routines

It's funny because both the simile and the metaphor build on each other to create an image of something really fucking messy.Rule 3- Have a good eye.It's absolutely essential for someone funny to have a good eye for his surroundings. For example, I was at a wine bar yesterday, and I noted a glass jar full of corks. I quickly commented, 'I can imagine a guy over there saying, 'Mister, these peanuts are awful!' ' in a character voice.

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That was a supplementary joke following HHH.Rule 4- Be the character you want to express yourself as.If you're using self-deprecating humor and you want to be the alpha male, it's not going to work. In this situation, it's best to avoid any humor directed at yourself. That's why I created rule 3; observational humor is simple, rarely alienates, and creates a social frame that everyone in the group can see. Be animated, but don't be wacky. Dancing monkey = bad.

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