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Since English language is used as a foreign language in Indonesian government, so it is very important subject in Indonesian Education department. Because of that, both the government and all of Education departments can be supported and helped into language development in Indonesian future. Especially, teacher should have some knowledge which includes a basic science about that. Teacher can absorb and master all of English knowledge more, so they could teach it well and the student can join it well too. English function as a means of developing students’ knowledge in science, technology, art and culture, especially in competency of English language skill. In senior high school, English is taught to integrate within the fours skills, such as: reading, speaking, writing and listening. The language components are vocabulary, structure and pronunciation.

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Setiyadi, at all (2007;1.23) stated that ideally, in learning English students should be evaluated not only based on their mastery of language skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading, but also language components such as: vocabulary and grammar. Based on two statements above, as one of the language components, especially grammar has to be learnt for students to master of the language well.

But in reality, according to writer experience during to be a student for three years in senior high school showed that many students still get problem in learning grammar especially in using tenses correctly in their sentences. Commonly, most of students thought that learning grammar was boring and they still get confused into select a suitable verb form especially in simple past tense. An additional, they had been assumption that study of grammar was very frightening and extremely difficult to learn. According to Lado (1968:221) that structure is the system of unit and pattern of language and each language has its own distinct structure. It means that in the Word, each language has many differences of structure depend on the culture and habitual action. So, Indonesian structure is not same with English structure. Indonesia structure uses the same verbs to express the events in the different time.

On the contrary, English have many verbs (irregular and regular verb) that are used in different time. It is called tenses. According to Henry (1985:306) Grammar is a step toward understanding how we learn language and be taught as an attempt to build a model of kind of structure that we eventually assign to English structure. This statement implies that learning words organize into structure.

9. 10. World views classic and contemporary readings sixth edition ama. Patricia Hill Collins, Toward a New Vision: Race, Class, and Gender as Categories of Analysis and Connection. Ideas for Activism. Box: Challenging the Pseudogeneric 'Man'.

A sentence is not just sequence of words, but it has a meaning that is important by receiver. If we change the words order in sentences, so it will have an effect in change meaning and how the words order themselves interaction with each other, so communication isn’t run well.

Other language teachers, influenced by recent theoretical work on the difference between language learning and language acquisition, tend not to teach grammar at all. Believing that children acquire their first language without overt grammar instruction, they expect students to learn their second language the same way. They assume that students will absorb grammar rules as they hear, read, and use the language in communication activities. This approach does not allow students to use one of the major tools they have as learners: their active understanding of what grammar is and how it works in the language they already know. Based on some of the statement and definition grammar, that writer concludes that grammar is a rule of language which is used to construct and build a sentence with the utterances.

Contoh Judul Skripsi Bahasa Indonesia Ptk

Grammar is also an organized sentence of words to express a meaning which are thought and felt. On the other hand, grammar is the early basic to manage and to control in constructing or building the sequences of word to be sentence so the sentence has a good meaning for receiver.

As we now that in learning a foreign language, without having a good knowledge in grammar of that language, someone will get problem and have many difficulties to make meaningful sentences. Besides, we also have a problem in expressing what we want, what we do and other, especially in written and oral.

Contoh Judul Skripsi Bahasa Indonesia Ptk Smp

Different from that, if we have more knowledge about grammar even we master of the English grammar, we will be easy for them to understand what we meant. The function of it is to control whether we make mistake or not.

Instructors now to the idea of using songs as a teaching tool may be reluctant, as it once was, because they worry that some of their older, more “serious” students (usually found in an IEP or college program) will perceive songs as trivial, a waste of time and money. But we can successfully use songs with these adult students as long as we have specific lesson objectives and convey that songs are simply another source of authentic language input.While there are many ways to use songs in language learning in general, many grammar instructors use song lyrics as sources of authentic language models of specific grammar points. Searching for lyrics that utilize the structure being taught is a time-consuming process, but luckily there are already some linked grammar/song sources available. The relationship between language and music is an easily recognizable one. Both entities have significant common elements and similarity Songs might be looked upon as occupying the middle ground between the disciplines of linguistics and musicology, possessing bosh the communicative aspect of language and the entertainment aspect of music. Indeed it may be an impossible task so describe the point at which the “speech” of a given language ends and the song” categorization begins.

Judul Skripsi Bahasa Indonesia


One ethnomusi-cologist has attempted this, but even his proposal leaves an imprecise “grey area” between the t and is inapplicable to certain cultures.’ The theoretical comparison of songs to speech should perhaps be let s for more detailed discussion in other papers. It should be sufficient or our purpose here to recognize briefly the points of similarity as a theoretical justification for the use of songs in language teaching. This research consists of two variables as follow: dependent variable and Independent variable.

Dependent variable is a variable which the researcher observes and measures to determine the effect from the independent variable. Independent variable is a variable which is selected, manipulated and measured by the researcher. Based on description above, there are two variables in this research, as follow: Songs is as independent variable of this research and improving students’ ability in simple past tense is as the dependent variable. SpelleriInstructor, Maria.2009. Teaching Grammar with songs. May, diakses pada tanggal 12 Juni 2009. Department of Language and Literature, Manatee Community College, Florida, USA.

Dean Emeritus, Dr. Teaching Grammar. Of Languages and Linguistics, Georgetown University Santoso, Dra.

Eunice,2009, Learning English with Fun Through Popular Songs, Jakarta: Mitra Utama. Puasa, Kuran S.Pd,2007, Teaching English Through Pop Songs, Bandung: CV.YRAMA WIDYA. Rina Wulandari was born on December 8 th, 198 9 in Punggur, Cental -Lampung. The daughter of Muncarno, an Lecture of Lampung University, and Rusmartini, Amd, an teacher of Junior high school.

She has one brother and one no sister and also he is the second child in h er family. He attended SMA PGRI I Punggur in 200 7 and a student of English Education Prody. She entered the Department of Applied Linguistics as the faculty of Education and Teacher Training at the University of Muhammadiyah Metro in July 20 11.

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