Khawas Ul Mufradat

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Contents.Title He is the grandson of the great scholar.His title 'Sibt ibn al-Jawzi' denotes that he is the sibṭ (grandson) of Ibn al-Jawzi from his daughter's side.Biography Born in Baghdad, the son of a Turkish freedman and Ibn al-Jawzi's daughter, he was raised by his famous grandfather. After his grandfather's death he moved to Damascus, where he worked under the Sultans, and.Unlike his Hanbali grandfather, he was of the madhhab, which was the judicial school common to those of Turkish descent and preferred by the Ayyubid Sultans.

He has also been described as having tendencies, most notably. His historical writings, which include more critical accounts of compared to other sources, and 's obituary of him have been given as evidence supporting this. Works.

Mir’at al-zaman was his famous work of History. The Defense and Advocacy of the True School of Law (Arabic: al-Intisar wa al-Tarjih li al-Madhhab al-Sahih) - in praise of and his school. Tazkirat ul-Khawas-Introduced eminence of the heirs of Muhammad The Prophet of IslamFor more information on him and his works see:. Abjad Al-Ulum - Siddiq Hasan Al Qunuji. Kashf al-Zunun.

Mu'jam al-matbu'atNotes.

Contents.Biography Al-Raghib Al-Isfahani - meaning 'the Isfahanian monk' - was born in as his name suggests, though his exact date of birth is not known.He died in the 502, corresponding to 1108 on the.Al-Isfahani's theological stance seems to have been close to that of the school. In one of his works entitled al-I'tiqadat, Al-Isfahani attacks both the and the showing that questions about his adherence to either of these positions is groundless.Al-Isfahani was opposed to the of the, preferring instead. The concept of justice, according to al-Isfahani's definition, is 'equal retaliation' for wrongdoing. Works His work covered topics ranging from ethics to linguistics to Muslim philosophy. One of his most famous works was.As a man of letters, al-Isfahani was also well-versed in. His literary anthology, which was carefully organized by topic, carried much weight and respect in intellectual circles. He was also noted as an early Muslim writer on the topic of blending religious and philosophical ethics.

See also.References. ^ Bosworth, C.E.; van Donzel, E.; Heinrichs, W.P.; Lecomte, G. Encyclopaedia of Islam (New Edition). Volume VIII (Ned-Sam). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.

Archived from on 2007-05-13. Retrieved 2006-11-20. S. Nomanul Haq, 'Islamic Religious Doctrine.' Taken from Religious Truth: A Volume in the Comparative Religious Ideas Project, pg. Neville.:, 2001. ^,.

Ed.:, 2012. Sarra Tlili, Animals in the Qur'an, pg. Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization.:, 2012.

Hamid Mavani, Religious Authority and Political Thought in Twelver Shi'ism: From Ali to Post-Khomeini, pg. Volume 9 of Routledge Studies in Political Islam. London: Routledge, 2013., pg. Oliver Leaman.:, 2005.

Asghar Ali Engineer, 'Islam, Women and Gender Justice.' Taken from Liberating Faith: Religious Voices for Justice, Peace, and Ecological Wisdom, pg. Gottlieb.:, 2003. The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature, pg. Tarif Khalidi. Dissertation series / Society of Biblical Literature.:, 2001.

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Sahar Amer, Crossing Borders: Love Between Women in Medieval French and Arabic Literatures, pg. The Middle Ages Series.:, 2008. Rita Sommers-Flanagan and John Sommers-Flanagan, Becoming an Ethical Helping Professional: Cultural and Philosophical Foundations, pg. 38.:, 2006.Bibliography., Journal of Islamic Studies (1995) 6 (1): 51-75.

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