The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Directory

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Refind macos
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  2. The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Directory In Texas

I had problems with getting rEFInd to work after upgrading to El Capitan, as well (Mac Pro late 2013).I wrote my process quickly on how I fixed it here:get access to your HDD's efi partition:- find the partition using diskutil list in terminal. (usually disk0s1). It'll say EFI.- Create a mount point using mkdir /volumes/efi in terminal.- Mount the partition to the mount point with this command: sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /Volumes/efiNow you should be able to navigate your efi partition and follow the instructions I posted in the link above. I hope this works for you. What directory should rrefind-bin-0.9.2 reside in when./ is executed?elliscmacpro:EFI cartyellis$ ls -alFtotal 5drwxrwxrwx@ 1 cartyellis staff 512 Oct 1 11:52./drwxrwxrwt@ 5 root admin 170 Oct 1 17:02./drwxrwxrwx 1 cartyellis staff 512 Oct 1 10:49.Spotlight-V100/drwxrwxrwx 1 cartyellis staff 512 Oct 1 16:44.Trashes/drwxrwxrwx 1 cartyellis staff 512 Oct 1 17:03.fseventsd/drwxrwxrwx 1 cartyellis staff 512 Oct 1 10:49 EFI/elliscmacpro:EFI cartyellis$??refind lives within the EFI directory. (An 'ls -R' would show this.)Julian. I am continuing in my quest to dual-boot 10.04.3 Ubuntu.Well, it looks like you've gotten rEFInd to work, so that's good.However, I do want to let you know that 10.04 has reached end-of-life and is no longer supported.

Refind Macos

The currently supported versions are 12.04, 14.04, and 15.04. 15.10 should release in a couple weeks. Of those four, 12.04 and 14.04 are both long-term support versions and will be supported for 2 years and 4 years more respectively. 15.04 and 15.10 will both reach end-of-life within the next year.In short, you should look into another version of Ubuntu than 10.04. 14.04 would probably be the best since it will stay supported until 2019, but 12.04 will stay supported until 2017. At the very least, I know 12.04 works with MacBook Pro 5.3 and there is a tutorial on how to get it work well: imagine 14.04 will also work.

You guys think this solution will work for me too?I'm not sure why it's not showing up in disk utility, but your best bet is to try and install rEFInd to see if it solves the problem. Many users use rEFInd to manage their booting. Have you just been holding option when you want to boot into ubuntu?And if you mean disk utility on El Capitan.

It's been totally revamped, and is in the beginning stages of functionality; they chose to make a new disk utility and start fresh with something very weak at the point of first release of El Cap. That might be why you're not seeing your ubuntu partition.Hope that helps. When I try and run csrutil disable in recovery, I get this.dyld: Symbol not found: NSDictionary0Referenced from: /Volumes/Macintosh HD/usr/bin/./csrutilExpected in:/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundationin /Volumes/Macintosh HD/usr/bin/./csrutil Trace/BPT trap: 5I saw somebody mention you can switch it off by going to Utilities - Security Configuration in recovery but that menu doesn't exist for me. Any other suggestions?Edit: My Mac is an Air 6,2 but I imagine the instructions are the same. Currently, rEFInd is 'almost' working.

If I put LiveCD for either 14.04.3 or 15.04 in the DVD slot, and try to boot to them, I get 'missing operating system'.If I shutdown and start, holding the option key, the DVD (two appear and I select EFI) appears eventually and I can try Ubuntu successfully. Why can't rEFInd do that?I have also used Gparted to move my Linux and Linux Swap partitions on my internal HD to the correct places. I have been hesitant to test, using Gparted, the EFI partition on the Internal hard drive, which shows as a FAT partition.Now, if I run install Ubuntu, and get to the 'where to install the boot loader' do I pick /dev/sda or /dev/sda5 which is my Linux partition?Suggestions? REFInd is now not working. I have installed 14.04.3 on my internal HD, along with OSX 10.11.I have also got the apple mouse working, and the correct Nvidia driver so the boot works as advertised.My problem is in how I have to boot.If I just start the laptop, it boots into Ubuntu.If I hold the option key down, I can boot into Apple operating system. If I select the recovery disk, the computer shuts down.

Apple support tells me that I have some corrupted area on my HD and that is why the recovery turns the computer off.I have not been able to do the 'csrutil enable' operation, so it is still disabled.If I select the Windows disk (Windows is not installed on the hard drive) nothing happens and the computer just sits there with a blank screen.If I use the Command-R hold, intended to boot into Recovery mode - that is the only way I get to Ubuntu. Yes - WEIRD!!rEFInd does not appear to be any place on the computer that I can find in OSX or Ubuntu.Obviously I have messed up something in the boot process - HELP! REFInd is now not working. I have installed 14.04.3 on my internal HD, along with OSX 10.11.I have also got the apple mouse working, and the correct Nvidia driver so the boot works as advertised.My problem is in how I have to boot.If I just start the laptop, it boots into Ubuntu.If I hold the option key down, I can boot into Apple operating system. If I select the recovery disk, the computer shuts down. Apple support tells me that I have some corrupted area on my HD and that is why the recovery turns the computer off.I have not been able to do the 'csrutil enable' operation, so it is still disabled.If I select the Windows disk (Windows is not installed on the hard drive) nothing happens and the computer just sits there with a blank screen.If I use the Command-R hold, intended to boot into Recovery mode - that is the only way I get to Ubuntu. Yes - WEIRD!!rEFInd does not appear to be any place on the computer that I can find in OSX or Ubuntu.Obviously I have messed up something in the boot process - HELP!I reinstalled rEFInd by simply downloading the package again from SourceForge, going into Terminal in OSX and running./install.shEverything is OK now ( except ability to get into Recovery Mode.Guess I panic too easy.Thanks everyone for all the comments and advice.

The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Directory

All the script does is call the tar program to extract the contents of the tarball. If that's failing it means the downloaded file is corrupted. Since it works for me and other linux users, it means that the copy on only one of the CDN servers is corrupted, which affects some users, but not all. I've tried this download from two locations, one in India and one in the US ad it's never failed for me. So I really dont know what to tell you.Do you know where the servers are located (G Sunnyvale campus?)?I seem to get the same server every time. I know its not much help to add a 'me too' but I have always managed to successfully download calibre onto Ubuntu. For various reasons I did a fresh install of 9.10 and I thought that I was missing dependencies when I couldn't install 0.6.45.


So in that sense I was glad to read that others were having problems too.I've installed 0.6.13 from synaptic. Hopefully it'll get sorted in timeI sucessfully downloaded the bz2 package from sourceforgeI then sudo a nautilus session and unpackaged into /opt/calibredone.Note that my metadata.DB was already at the 6.44 level.Note to Kovid: The sourceforge Calibre Linux download button says 6.14.I almost bailedThe next page offered current versions. ' I sucessfully downloaded the bz2 package from sourceforgeI then sudo a nautilus session and unpackaged into /opt/calibredone.Note that my metadata.DB was already at the 6.44 level' quote theducksThought I'd have a go at this and I managed to install it but I took the long way round! (my knowledge of shell commands is terrible!)In case it might help someone else - I downloaded the.bz2 and converted it to deb file using 'alien' (install from synaptic and then in a terminal type 'sudo alien -to-deb '). I then installed the deb file successfully but the program wasn't included in the applications list Had a brainwave then and simply added it to the startup applications! So now when I start ubuntu I have the new version of calibre sitting on the desktop Im absolutely sure there is an easier way to do this but this worked for me.I hope I don't have to do this with every new version!!

The Refind Binary File Is Missing Aborting Installation Directory In Texas

Since 0.6.42 seems to work fine for my needs right now. I think I will stay with it till the next update, especially since I just tried the binary install again and it still fails the exact same way! The CLI and I have never got along very well! 8-) That's why i had an Atari 1040ST instead of a Commodore 64 or an Apple! And didn't go to Windows till win95, now that Ubuntu is usable with GUI, i am a happy camper again! Kovid enjoy your time in India!

Don't spend too much time on the computer, we will survive till you get back!

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